Arts & Sciences
The Arts and Sciences Division confers the Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associates of Art in Teaching degrees. Students who complete the prescribed course of study may transfer to a four-year college or university to complete the junior and senior-level requirements for the baccalaureate degree. These degree programs are designed to be completed in two years of study, however, students have the option of transferring credits at any time they finish their studies at South Plains College. The Arts and Sciences Division is comprised of 10 academic departments and 51 suggested transfer guides. The division is under the supervision of the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Programs and courses are offered primarily at the Levelland Campus and the Lubbock Downtown Center. Students who meet the general requirements and specific minimum requirements will be awarded an associate degree.
The general education core represents areas of knowledge and performance that reflect not only courses taken and the degrees earned but also learning as a lifetime endeavor. The curriculum at South Plains College is designed to help students learn how to discover, appreciate and competently use, with increasing independence, knowledge and skills related to the following areas: human behavior and achievement; the natural world, including logical thought as exemplified by mathematics; written/oral communication and critical reflection; and the application of technology to personal endeavors. General education courses are broad and general, addressing the essence of the disciplines in each area. The South Plains College transfer core curriculum incorporates all the course requirements of the general education core.
The purpose of the general education core curriculum at South Plains College is to develop skills and competencies expected of students who receive the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees from the college or who transfer to complete baccalaureate degrees. These core objectives include, but are not necessarily limited to, developing the student’s
· critical thinking skills;
· communication skills;
· emperical and quantitative skills;
· ability to contribute in a collaborative environment;
· social responsibility; and
· personal responsibility.
The core curriculum program established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board facilitates the transfer of college-level credit among colleges and universities in Texas. Each institution is required to establish a core curriculum of at least 42 semester hours credit that fulfill the general education requirements of degree programs on the associate degree and baccalaureate degree levels. The following courses have been identified as fulfilling the minimum requirements of the general education core curriculum. Specific transfer guides and degree plans detailed in this catalog will recommend course work in addition to the options that follow. Students should consult the recommended transfer guide or degree plans for their particular major.
ion and course options are given in the core, students should choose courses that satisfy their specific degree plan.

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The Behavioral Science Department encompasses the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, social work, and sociology. The objectives of the department include and introduction to the basic theories in the fields and the encouragement of practical application of this knowledge for daily living. more>>
The study of biology explores the diverse world of living organisms from microscopic one-celled animals to vast ecosystems. A biology degree prepares you for a wide range of career options including pursuing graduate school, entering a professional school, teaching biology or working in industry or government. more>>
The business administration program at SPC is designed to prepare you for employment in todayʼs fast-paced offices and businesses. more>>
The Communication Department provides courses of instruction in the areas of Advertising, Broadcast Journalism, Foreign Language, Photojournalism, Public Relations, Speech Communication, and Radio, Television and Film. more>>
A criminal justice degree from South Plains College prepares you for a dynamic career in a wide-ranging and growing field. This curriculum is designed to prepare a student for academic transfer to a university where requirements for a baccalaureate degree in criminal justice or corrections may be completed.
Criminal justice career options range from positions in local police departments to federal jobs with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Homeland Security, the U.S. Customs Agency, CIA, FBI and private security. more>>
The English and Philosophy Department and its course offerings have three purposes: to help students improve their written communication skills, to help students develop critical thinking skills, and to introduce students to those works of literature which have helped to shape our language and our society. more>>
The curricula in the Fine Arts Department are planned to provide for the educational preparation, cultural enrichment and personal fulfillment of the students and patrons of South Plains College. Courses in Art, Music and Theatre Arts are offered to: more>>
The primary purpose of the Mathematics and Engineering Department is to provide students an opportunity to meet the degree requirements in mathematics for majors and/or minors in the various liberal arts curricula, business administration, education, sciences, pre-professional, engineering and mathematics. more>>
The primary objective of the Kinesiology Department at South Plains College is to provide each student an opportunity to meet the degree requirements for majors and non-majors in physical education. more>>
The objectives and primary purposes of the Science Department include: more>>
The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) on the Levelland campus assists students in developing the skills, strategies and knowledge to perform as confident, independent and active learners, prepared for a lifetime of learning. more>>
For more information about the Division of Arts and Sciences contact:
Alan WorleyDean of the Division of Arts and Sciences
1401 S. College Ave.
Box 3
Levelland, TX 79336
(806) 716-2339 Amanda Jasso
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the Division of Arts and Sciences
1401 S. College Ave.
Box 3
Levelland, TX 79336
(806) 716-2339