Blackboard - New Content Editor Quick Tips
See below for information about recent changes in the new Blackboard Content Editor.
There are lots of great reasons to like the updated Content Editor in Blackboard Learn!
Updated Content Editor Toolbar Icons

Other Content Editor Changes

New Table Options
Creating a table has been simplified with a grid selector instead of a pop-up. When
adding tables, column widths default to use percentages rather than fixed widths for
greater responsiveness across devices.
Link Tool is for External Sites
To add links to files in the Content Collection, go the Add Content menu. The link tool
is now only for external links.
Recording Feedback
The option to record audio/video feedback from your device has moved from the main
toolbar to the Add Content menu.
Mashups Moved
Third-party tools (“Mashups”- i.e. YuJa Media Chooser, etc.) have moved from the main
toolbar to the Add Content menu.
Spellchecker Updates
The Spellchecker Tool more smartly picks the default language based on course selection
and user choice when available. Dictionaries have been updated and expanded. Click
the tool to run spellcheck.
Easier HTML Editing
When authoring or editing HTML, it’ll be easier to find what you’re looking for with
line numbers and tag colors.
Text Formatting, Bullets, List
Options for formatting text, bullets, and lists are now presented in recognizable
ways rather than just as text. For example, font choices will appear as those fonts
and bullet options will display visually as those bullet types.
Toolbar Wrapping
The toolbar will show as many tools as it can for the size of your screen before wrapping
to the next line. Show and collapse the additional tools with the ellipsis icon.
Access Full Editor in More Places
When authoring a very complex test question with lots of question and answer options,
a limited editor is presented so the page loads faster. You can now expand those into
a full editor as needed.
Search Only Selected Content
When using find and replace, you can now limit your search just to content that’s
been selected.