Courses Offered:
PSY 2314 - Lifespan and Growth Development
- Lifespan Growth and Development is a study of social, emotional, cognitive, and physical factors and influences of a developing human from conception to death.
- Summer 1
- Professor Richard Herbert
- Social & Behavioral Science Requirement
KINE 1304 - Fitness and Wellness
- This course is an introductory course dealing with life-styles and health problems influencing society and the individual.
- Summer 1
- Professor Sean Bingham
- 090 Institutional Option Core Curriculum requirement.
GEOG 1301 - Physical Geography
- An Introduction to the concepts which provide a foundation for continued study of geography. Includes the different elements of natural environment as related to human activities, modes of living, and map concepts.
- Summer 1
- Professor Greg Ramzinski
- Life & Physical Science Requirement
GEOG 1303 - World Regional Geography
- A study of major world regions with emphasis on prevailing conditions and developments, including emerging conditions and trends, and the awareness of diversity of ideas and practices to be found in those regions. Course content may include one or more regions.
- Summer 1
- Professor Greg Ramzinski
- Social & Behavioral Science Requirement
For more information contact:
Sean Bingham
Rick Herbert