Accessing Content Sharing Tools
This guide will outline how to access content sharing tools in Blackboard Collaborate, such as how to share files and blank whiteboards.
Opening the Blackboard Collaborate Panel
To open the Collaborate Panel, click on the purple button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Accessing Content Sharing Tools

To access the content sharing tools, click on the Share Content button in the Collaborate Panel (shown as a square with an arrow in it)
The Whiteboard
This guide will demonstrate how to share content using the Whiteboard tool in Blackv
Accessing the Collaborate Panel
To access the Whiteboard, you will need to open the Collaborate Panel. To open the Collaborate Panel, click on the purple button in the bottom right corner.
Sharing Content Using the Whiteboard

- In the Collaborate Panel, click on the Share Content tab.
- Select Share Blank Whiteboard.
Whiteboard Screen and Tools

This is the blank Whiteboard and the Whiteboard Tools are located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. The Whiteboard Tools consist of:
- Selection Tool: Use the arrow to select an object on the Whiteboard. After you select it you can resize, move, and delete it.
- Pointer Tool: Use the hand to point to different areas of the visible Whiteboard. Participants see wherever you are pointing on the slide.
- Pencil Tool: Can be used to draw lines of any shape or length.
- Shapes Tool: Clicking on the Shapes Tool will reveal a drop-down menu allowing you to choose a Rectangle, Ellipse, or Line drawing tool.
- Text Tool: Allows you to type text anywhere on the Whiteboard.
- Clear Tool: Completely erases the contents of the Whiteboard.
- Color Picker: Displays a color palette allowing you to choose from 9 colors for Lines Shapes, and Text.
Tip: You can also decide if you want to give your participants the same tools in Session Settings.
Show View Controls

Here are the View Controls which allow you to zoom in and out of the drawing area:
- View Controls: Click to alternately show or hide the tools palette.
- Zoom in: Make the content bigger. Move the content around to see everything.
- Zoom out: Decrease the size of everything on the Whiteboard to increase the drawing area.
- Best Fit: Take advantage of your screen real estate. Content adjusts to be completely viewable in the available area. It displays as large as possible while keeping the aspect ratio intact.
- Actual size: Returns the Whiteboard to its original magnification or size.
- Stop Sharing: Click to exit the Whiteboard application and return to the Sharing Content window.