End Breakout Groups
This guide will demonstrate how to close breakout groups.
Ending Breakout Groups

Click on the End Breakout Groups button to end the breakout groups and return all participants to the main room.
Breakout Groups allows as session leader to split session participants into small groups for activities such as discussion, brainstorming, or problem solving. This guide will demonstrate how to start Breakout Groups.
To set up breakout rooms, you will need to open the Collaborate Panel. To open the Collaborate Panel, click on the purple button in the bottom right corner.
There are two methods of assigning participants to groups: Random assignment and manual assignment.
To randomly assign participants to groups:
To manually assign participants to groups:
Once you have started breakout groups, a moderator can enter each breakout group to monitor each group.
To join a group, locate which group you wish to join, and click the Join button for the group you wish to join.
You will now be able to interact with members of the selected group, and see content shared with the group.. To join another group, open the Participants List and click the Join button for the group you wish to join.
This guide will demonstrate how to move participants between breakout groups.
To move participants between groups:
To move the participant, click on the Move to Another Group option.
Drag the user into the group you wish to move the user to and click Update at the bottom when done.
This guide will demonstrate how to close breakout groups.
Click on the End Breakout Groups button to end the breakout groups and return all participants to the main room.